Latex kurzer Mantel mit Revers-Stehkragen
Ein toller Latex Mantel mit verstärktem Reverskragen und langen Ärmel. Einstieg durch Druckknopfleiste oder 2 Wege-Reißverschluss nach Ihrem Wunsch. In Kombination mit unseren Nurse Strümpfen Handschuhen und Bodys kann dieser Mantel als Arztkittel getragen werden.
Materialstärke: 0,40 mm (Andere Materialstärke auf Anfrage)
Gezeigtes Modell mit Optionen:
Farbe 1: RR - Jadegrün
Produktnr.: MTL1
- --- Bitte wählen ---
- --- Bitte wählen ---
- Weiblich XS730
- Weiblich S742
- Weiblich M743
- Weiblich L (+2%)744
- Weiblich XL (+4%)745
- Weiblich XXL (+6%)746
- Männlich XS963
- Männlich S964
- Männlich M965
- Männlich L (+2%)966
- Männlich XL (+4%)967
- Männlich XXL (+6%)968
- Maßanfertigung (+20%)747
Farbe 1:
- --- Bitte wählen ---
- --- Bitte wählen ---
- RR - Schwarz523 RR/s10 - Black-350x350.jpg
- RR - Pflaume522 RR/s20 - Plum-350x350.jpg
- RR - Rot521 RR/s30 - Red-350x350.jpg
- RR - Schokolade520 RR/S131 - Chocolate-350x350.jpg
- RR - Orange519 RR/s50 - Orange-350x350.jpg
- RR - Gelb518 RR/s60 - Yellow-350x350.jpg
- RR - Olivgrün517 RR/s70 - Olive Green-350x350.jpg
- RR - Jadegrün516 RR/s90 - Jade Green-350x350.jpg
- RR - Turquoise11041 4D/1328000530-3534-350x350.jpg
- RR - Mid Blue515 RR/s110 - Mid Blue-350x350.jpg
- RR - Königsblau514 RR/T-s111 - Royal Blue Trim-350x350.jpg
- RR - Hellblau513 RR/s120 - Light Blue-350x350.jpg
- RR - Nachtblau524 RR/S121 - Nightshade Blue-350x350.jpg
- RR - Kaugummi Rosa525 RR/s140 - Bubblegum Pink-350x350.jpg
- RR - Lila753 RR/s150 - Lilac-350x350.jpg
- RR - Baby Rosa526 RR/T-S160 - Baby Pink Trim-350x350.jpg
- RR - Mannequin527 RR/S170 - Mannequin-350x350.jpg
- RR - Weiß528 RR/T-s180 - White Trim-350x350.jpg
- RR - Himbeerrosa754 RR/s40 - Claret-350x350.jpg
- RR - Medizinisch Rot529 RR/S31 - Medical Red-350x350.jpg
- RR - Natürlich Grün530 RR/s80 - Natural Green-350x350.jpg
- RR - Sand531 RR/s100 - Sand-350x350.jpg
- RR - Elektrisch Rose (+10%)532 RR/E10 - Electric Rose-350x350.jpg
- RR - Elektrisch Blau (+10%)533 RR/E30 - Electric Blue-350x350.jpg
- RR - Electric Lila (+10%)750 RR/E50 - Electric Lilac-350x350.jpg
- RR - Metallic Rot (+10%)534 RR/M10 - Metallic Red-350x350.jpg
- RR - Metallic Altgold (+10%)535 RR/M20 - Metallic Old Gold-350x350.jpg
- RR - Metallic Grün (+10%)536 RR/M30 - Metallic Green-350x350.jpg
- RR - Metallic Blau (+10%)537 RR/M40 - Metallic Blue-350x350.jpg
- RR - Metallic Purpur (+10%)752 RR/M50 - Metallic Purple-350x350.jpg
- RR - Metallic Fuchsia (+10%)538 RR/M60 - Metallic Fuchsia-350x350.jpg
- RR - Metallic Silber (+10%)539 RR/M70 - Metallic Silver-350x350.jpg
- RR - Metallic Anthrazit (+10%)540 RR/M80 - Metallic Pewter-350x350.jpg
- RR - Metallic Pfauenblau (+10%)541 RR/M41 - Metallic Peacock-350x350.jpg
- RR - Metallic Honig (+10%)542 RR/M90 - Metallic Honey-350x350.jpg
- RR - Metallic Schwarz (+10%)543 RR/M100 - Metallic Black-350x350.jpg
- RR - Metallic Platin (+10%)544 RR/M110 - Metallic Platinum-350x350.jpg
- RR - Metallic Electrum (+10%)751 RR/M120 - Metallic Electrum-350x350.jpg
- RR - Transparent Metallic (+10%)13856
- RR - Transparent Natürlich545 RR/T10 - Translucent Natural-350x350.jpg
- RR - Transparent Rosa546 RR/T20 - Translucent Pink-350x350.jpg
- RR - Transparent Blau547 RR/T50 - Translucent Blue-350x350.jpg
- RR - Transparent Flieder548 RR/T60 - Translucent Lilac-350x350.jpg
- RR - Transparent Olive549 RR/T30 - Translucent Olive-350x350.jpg
- RR - Transparent Rauchig550 RR/T40 - Translucent Smoky Black-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Grau551 4D/47142-Latex-Meterware-grau-M-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Hellbraun552 4D/Latex-sheet-light-brown-M-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Dunkelgrün553 4D/1250622455-26752-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Kirschrot554 4D/1250622828-27199-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Violett555 4D/1250622515-26819-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Rot556 4D/1250622284-26587-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Metallic Pastelgrün (+10%)755 4D/471140311492-Latex-Meterware-Metallic-Pastellgruen-M-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Metallic Pastelblau (+10%)756 4D/471130311392-Latex-Meterware-Metallic-Pastellblau-M-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Metallic Blau (+10%)757 4D/1250623097-27462-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Metallic Altrose (+10%)557 4D/Latex-Meterware-Metallic-Altrosa-M-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Metallic Bronze (+10%)558 4D/1250623157-27563-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Metallic Gold (+10%)559 4D/1250623171-27588-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Metallc Altgold (+10%)11494 4D/pearlsheen-antique-gold Kopie-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Neon-Türkis (+10%)560 4D/1250622998-27370-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Neon Grün (+10%)761 4D/1250622968-27346-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Neon Rose (+10%)562 4D/1250622927-27309-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Neon Orange (+10%)762 4D/1250622941-27317-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Transparent Wolkengrau763 4D/1250622841-27218-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Transparent Rot561 4D/1250622702-27044-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Transparent Grün563 4D/1328000530-3534-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Transparent Gelb564 4D/100_0721-350x350.jpg
- 4D - Transparent Violett565 4D/1250622607-26917-350x350.jpg
- ST - Lava Schwarz (+40%)566 ST/list_lava_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Lava Gold on Black (+50%)11147 ST/list_lava_gold-black-350x350.jpg
- ST - Lava Moire-2 Red on Smoky (+50%)11148 ST/list_lava_moire-2-red-smoky-350x350.gif
- ST - Lava Moire-2 Smoky (+50%)11149 ST/list_lava_moire-2-smoky-350x350.gif
- ST - Lava Moire 2 (+50%)11150 ST/list_lava_moire-2-350x350.gif
- ST - Lava White Pearl (+50%)11151 ST/list_lava_white_pearl-350x350.gif
- ST - Lava Gray Silver (+50%)12487 ST/lava_gray_silver-350x350.jpg
- ST - Lava Schwarz-Blau (+50%)567 ST/list_lava_blue-black-350x350.gif
- ST - Lava Gold (+50%)568 ST/list_lava_gold-350x350.gif
- ST - Lava Gold on Red (+50%)10014 ST/list_lava_gold-red-350x350.gif
- ST - Gold Moire (+50%)10015 ST/list_lava_gold-trans-350x350.gif
- ST - Violet Moire (+50%)10016 ST/list_lava_moire-violet-350x350.gif
- ST - Lava Smoky (+50%)10017 ST/list_lava_smokey-350x350.gif
- ST - Lava Blue (+50%)10018 ST/list_lava_soft_blue-black-350x350.gif
- ST - Red Moire (+50%)10019 ST/list_lava_moire-red-350x350.gif
- ST - Transparent Lava Pink Moire (+50%)569 ST/list_lava_moire-pink-350x350.gif
- ST - Transparent Lava Moire (+50%)571 ST/transparent_lava_moire-350x350.jpg
- ST - Lava Schwarz-Rot (+50%)570 ST/list_lava_red-black-350x350.gif
- ST - Lava Schwarz-Silber (+50%)572 ST/list_lava_silver-black-350x350.gif
- ST - Transparetn Schokolade Gold (+50%)573 ST/list_chocolate_gold-trans-350x350.gif
- ST - Schokolade Schwarz (+40%)574 ST/list_chocolate_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Chocolate Milk (+50%)10020 ST/list_chocolate_milk-350x350.gif
- ST - Chocolate Blue Pink (+50%)11140 ST/list_chocolate_blue-pink_1-350x350.gif
- ST - Taxi (+50%)10021 ST/list_chocolate_taxi-350x350.gif
- ST - Leo Pewter (+50%)10022 ST/list_a_leopard_pewter-350x350.gif
- ST - Leo Pink (+50%)11133 ST/leo_pink-350x350.jpg
- ST - Leo Violet (+50%)10023 ST/list_a_leopard_violet-350x350.gif
- ST - Leo Red on Trans (+50%)10024 ST/list_a_leopard_red-trans-350x350.gif
- ST - Leo Red on White (+50%)10025 ST/list_a_leopard_red-white-350x350.gif
- ST - Schokolade Blau (+50%)575 ST/list_chocolate_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Schokolade Gold (+50%)764 ST/list_chocolate_gold-350x350.gif
- ST - Schokolade Silber (+50%)576 ST/list_chocolate_silver-350x350.gif
- PR - Shanghai Leo (+60%)577 ST/IMG_1093 Kopie-350x350.jpg
- ST - Shanghai Snow Leo Pink-White (+60%)11142 ST/list_a_l_shan_bars_pink-white-350x350.gif
- ST - Shanghai Snow Leo Pink-Trans (+60%)11143 ST/list_a_l_shan_bars-pink-trans-350x350.gif
- PR - Sivler-Schwarz Leo (+50%)578 ST/Untitled-1-350x350.jpg
- PR - Gold-Schwarz Leo (+50%)579 ST/Untitled-2-350x350.jpg
- PR - Blau Leo (+50%)580 ST/list_a_leopard_blue-350x350.gif
- PR - Perle Leo (+50%)581 ST/list_a_leopard_pearl-350x350.gif
- PR - Rot Leo (+50%)582 ST/list_a_leopard_red-350x350.gif
- PR - Transparent Rauchig Leo (+50%)583 ST/list_a_leopard_smoky-350x350.gif
- PR - Transparent Leo (+50%)584 ST/list_a_leopard_trans-350x350.gif
- ST - Schuppen Gold (+50%)585 ST/list_scales_gold-350x350.gif
- ST - Scales Black (+50%)11152 ST/list_scales_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Scales Green (+50%)11153 ST/list_scales_green-350x350.gif
- ST - Transparent Schuppen Gold (+50%)765 ST/list_scales_gold-trans-350x350.gif
- ST - Schuppen Silber (+50%)586 ST/list_scales_silver-350x350.gif
- ST - Scales Pink (+50%)10030 ST/list_scales_pink-350x350.gif
- ST - City Gold (+50%)587 ST/list_city_gold-350x350.gif
- ST - City Silber (+50%)11136 ST/list_city_silver_1-350x350.gif
- ST - City Red on Trans (+50%)10012 ST/list_city_red-trans-350x350.gif
- ST - City Blue on Pink (+50%)10031 ST/list_city_blue-pink-350x350.gif
- ST - City Red (+50%)10032 ST/list_city_red-black-350x350.gif
- ST - City Schwarz (+40%)588 ST/list_city_black-350x350.gif
- ST - City Blau (+50%)766 ST/list_city_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Schlange Gold (+50%)589 ST/list_snake_gold-350x350.gif
- ST - Snake Burning (+50%)10033 ST/list_snake_burning-350x350.gif
- ST - Snake Silver on Red (+50%)10034 ST/list_snake_silver-red-350x350.gif
- ST - Snake Smoky (+50%)10035 ST/snake_smoky_transparent-350x350.jpg
- ST - Snake-2 Silver (+50%)10036 ST/list_snake-2_silver-350x350.gif
- ST - Snake-2 Black (+40%)10037 ST/list_snake-2_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Schlange Lila (+50%)590 ST/list_snake_purple-350x350.gif
- ST - Schlange Silber (+50%)591 ST/list_snake_silver-350x350.gif
- ST - Schlange-2 Lila (+50%)592 ST/list_snake-2_purple-350x350.gif
- ST - Croco Gold (+50%)767 ST/list_croco_gold-350x350.gif
- ST - Croco Silber (+50%)11145 ST/list_croco_silver-350x350.gif
- ST - Croco Purple (+50%)10041 ST/list_croco_purple-350x350.gif
- ST - Croco Schwarz (+50%)593 ST/list_croco_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Transparent Damas Schwarz (+50%)595 ST/transparent_damas_schwarz-350x350.jpeg
- ST - Damas Blue on Silver (+50%)10038 ST/list_damas_blue-silver-350x350.gif
- ST - Damas Blue (+50%)10039 ST/list_damas_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Damas Chery (+50%)11146 ST/list_damas_cherry-350x350.gif
- ST - Damas Blue on Pink (+50%)10040 ST/list_damas_blue-pink-350x350.gif
- ST - Damas Purple (+50%)594 ST/list_damas_purple-350x350.gif
- ST - Damas Schwarz (+40%)596 ST/list_damas_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Damas Silber (+50%)9070 ST/12596594_969541999801827_527325521_o-350x350.jpg
- ST - Damas Gold (+50%)597 ST/IMG_0539-350x350.jpg
- ST - Reptilhaut (+50%)598 ST/list_sachara_reptile_skin-350x350.gif
- ST - Tweed Schwarz / 0,6mm (+60%)599 ST/list_twid_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Tweed Gold (+60%)11154 ST/list_twid_gold-black-350x350.gif
- ST - Tweed Silber (+60%)11155 ST/list_twid_silver-black-350x350.gif
- ST - Tweed Blau / 0,6mm (+60%)600 ST/list_twid_blue-black-350x350.gif
- ST - Tweed Rot / 0,6mm (+60%)601 ST/list_twid_red-black-350x350.gif
- ST - Drache Schwarz / 0,6mm (+50%)602 ST/list_huge_dragon_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Rubies / 0,6mm (+60%)603 ST/list_r_rubies-350x350.gif
- ST - Saphiren / 0,6mm (+60%)604 ST/list_r_saphires-350x350.gif
- ST - Gzella Schwarz (+40%)605 ST/list_gzella_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Gzella Blau (+50%)768 ST/list_gzella_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Transparent Gzella Schwarz (+50%)606 ST/list_gzella_smoky-350x350.gif
- ST - Bubbles Black (+50%)10013 ST/list_a_drops_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Bubbles Blue (+50%)11141 ST/list_a_bubbles_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Bubbles Pink (+50%)10029 ST/list_a_drops_pink-350x350.gif
- ST - Pink with Blue Glare (+45%)10027 ST/list_a_pink_with_blue_glaring-350x350.gif
- ST - Blue with Gold Glare (+45%)10026 ST/list_a_blue_with_gold_glaring-350x350.gif
- ST - Gold Glare (+45%)11134 ST/Gold Glare-350x350.jpg
- ST - Violet with Gold Glare (+45%)10028 ST/list_a_violet_with_gold_glaring-350x350.gif
- ST - Spaghetti Blue / 0,6mm (+60%)10042 ST/list_spaghetti_blue-black-350x350.gif
- ST - Spaghetti Red / 0,6mm (+60%)10043 ST/list_spaghetti_purple-black-350x350.gif
- ST - Pyramids Black / 0,6mm (+60%)10044 ST/list_pyramids_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Iminpriso Black (+40%)10045 ST/list_iminpriso_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Iminpriso Blue (+45%)10046 ST/list_iminpriso_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Iminpriso Smoky (+45%)10047 ST/list_iminpriso_smoky-350x350.gif
- ST - Circky Black (+40%)10048 ST/list_circky_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Circky Purple (+45%)10051 ST/list_circky_purple-350x350.gif
- ST - Circky Smoky (+45%)10052 ST/list_circky_smoky-350x350.gif
- ST - Drugs Black (+40%)10053 ST/list_drugs_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Drugs Blue (+45%)10054 ST/list_drugs_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Drugs Smoky (+45%)10055 ST/list_drugs_smoky-350x350.gif
- ST - Drugs Purple (+45%)10056 ST/list_drugs_purple-350x350.gif
- ST - Galstones Purple (+45%)10057 ST/list_galstones_purple-350x350.gif
- ST - Galstones Black (+40%)10058 ST/list_galstones_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Galstones Blue (+45%)10059 ST/list_galstones_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Galstones Smoky (+45%)10060 ST/list_galstones_smoky-350x350.gif
- ST - Zhoston Black (+40%)10061 ST/list_zhoston_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Zhoston Blue (+45%)10062 ST/list_zhoston_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Zhoston Smoky (+45%)10063 ST/list_zhoston_smoky-350x350.gif
- ST - Interference Black (+40%)10064 ST/list_interference_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Interference Blue (+45%)10065 ST/list_interference_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - lacelike Black (+50%)10066 ST/list_lacelike_black-350x350.gif
- ST - lacelike Blue (+50%)10067 ST/list_lacelike_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - lacelike Smoky (+50%)10068 ST/list_lacelike_smoky-350x350.gif
- ST - Honyco Black (+50%)10069 ST/list_honyco_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Honyco Blue (+50%)10070 ST/list_honyco_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Honyco Smoky (+50%)10071 ST/list_honyco_smoky-350x350.gif
- ST - Rabica Black (+50%)10072 ST/list_rabica_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Rabica Smoky (+50%)10073 ST/list_rabica_smoky-350x350.gif
- ST - Carbon Black (+40%)10074 ST/list_carbon_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Carbon Silber (+45%)11135 ST/list_carbon_silver_1-350x350.gif
- ST - Carbon Blue (+45%)10075 ST/list_carbon_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Carbon Smoky (+45%)10076 ST/list_carbon_smoky-350x350.gif
- ST - Polaris Black (+40%)10077 ST/list_polaris_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Polaris Blue (+45%)11138 ST/list_polaris_blue_1-350x350.gif
- ST - Mix Black (+40%)10078 ST/list_mix_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Mix Blue (+45%)10079 ST/list_mix_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Mix Purple (+45%)10080 ST/list_mix_purple-350x350.gif
- ST - Roses Blue (+45%)10081 ST/list_roses_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Roses Black (+40%)11139 ST/list_roses_black_1-350x350.gif
- ST - Diago Black (+40%)10082 ST/list_diago_black-350x350.gif
- ST - Diago Purple (+45%)11137 ST/list_diago_purple_1-350x350.gif
- ST - Diago Blue (+45%)10083 ST/list_diago_blue-350x350.gif
- ST - Camouflage-2 Summer (+60%)11144 ST/list_camouflage-2-sum-350x350.gif
- ST - Camouflage-2 Winter (+60%)11495 ST/list_camouflage-2-win-350x350.gif
- ST - Camouflage-2 Autumn (+60%)11496 ST/list_camouflage-2-au-350x350.png
- ST - Varionika Black-White (+50%)11497 ST/list_varionika_black-white-350x350.gif
- ST - Varionika Dark Blue-White (+50%)11498 ST/list_varionika_dark-blue-white-350x350.gif
- --- Bitte wählen ---
- --- Bitte wählen ---
- Über Knielang959
- Knielang (+10%)962
- Wadenlang (+20%)961
- Knöchellang (+30%)960
Zipp Position:
- --- Bitte wählen ---
- --- Bitte wählen ---
- Mit Druckknöpfen (+36,00€)9074
- Mit durchgehendem 2 Wege Zipp vorne9073
- Mit durchgehendem 2 Wege Zipp absperrbar vorne (+10,00€)9072
- --- Bitte wählen ---
- --- Bitte wählen ---
- Ohne Chlorierung2062
- Mit Chlorierung (+15%)2061
Ein toller Latex Mantel mit verstärktem Reverskragen und langen Ärmel. Einstieg durch Druckknopfleiste oder 2 Wege-Reißverschluss nach Ihrem Wunsch. In Kombination mit unseren Nurse Strümpfen Handschuhen und Bodys kann dieser Mantel als Arztkittel getragen werden.
Materialstärke: 0,40 mm (Andere Materialstärke auf Anfrage)
Gezeigtes Modell mit Optionen:
Farbe 1: RR - Jadegrün
Länge: Über Knielang
Zipp Position: Mit Druckknöpfen
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Bewertung: Schlecht Gut
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